Aug 9, 2011

Stressed? Open your eyes...

This is something I have to remind myself to do.  These past few days, I have had some bad sleeping patterns again.  I have been waking up in the morning, mostly to go to the bathroom (thanks to Miss Little Castro pressing on my bladder) and then I can't go back to bed.  My mind has been racing and I need to just take a step back and slow down.  This is my goal this week.  I've been so caught up on baby stuff that I haven't really thought about what I need to do to keep me from freaking out.

Ever since we had our 20 week anatomy scan, I think that is what made it 100% real for both of us.  This is it, we know the sex, we know the due date and she is perfectly healthy.   We even have a name for her (but that will be a surprise for all later on, sorry!) Yes the heart beat made it so real for us back at week 8 but seeing her and feeling her has brought it to an entirely different level.  We have 20 more weeks left which is 5 months.  The past 5 months have already flown by, so before you know it, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas.

So considering all this, today I made it my goal to get out during my lunch hour, to either swim or go to the gym at Hofstra.  Well I did neither of those because I didn't look at my schedule today until I got in.  I had a small amount of time to get to the gym, change, work out, shower, change, then get back for a student appt.  Instead I decided to take a stroll around campus to get my blood pumping.  I put on my Ipod and actually listened to the Baby Einstein Classical music.  It's very relaxing!

This is where I work...
The Career Center - Usually this parking lot is PACKED during the semester.  Soon it will be!

I didn't have any direction in mind to go so I just decided to wander around.  I never really took the time to "smell the roses" at Hofstra.  I'm so accustomed to go to the building I need to go to for any programs and events, that I never really looked at my surroundings.  Today was a different story and I was surprised to see so many beautiful, peaceful parts of nature that existed so close by.  Hofstra is actually a national Arboretum. 

Here are some photos:

This reminds me of the secret garden.

I can't believe I've never seen this tree before.  Looks much bigger in person.  I took this picture to show Nelson since he loves to climb trees.

This is a path we usually take to go to the North side of campus.  

What a cool looking tree.  I would love to decorate this during the holidays.

This a cute little garden that I've always admired "Sensory Garden"

There's a daycare on campus so every once in a while you will see all the kiddies in their red wagons hanging out here. They are always adorable.

These Koi fish have a wonderful home.
Some other pretty flowers

Hofstra is full of statues and such and I never took the time to look at this Labyrinth.  This is very close to The Career Center (my building) and I'm sad to say that I never stopped here until today.

I walked through it.  What's really funny is that last Thursday before our 20 week scan, I of course was so excited/nervous that I woke up early and decided to watch a recorded Oprah and paint my nails.  Well I watched the episode with Shirley Maclaine.  I had no idea that she believed in UFOs amongst other things, but what really stroke my interest was her meditation.  She actually has her own labyrinth that she built with rocks.  She uses it for "meditation and spiritual healing."  You can see her cool labyrinth here (3:40) Shirley MacLaine's New Mexico Home

If it's good enough for Shirley MacLaine, it's good enough for me!

I walked through the labyrinth and I thought that I actually completed it.  As I was walking to the center, a professor walked right through the labyrinth and since we crossed paths, I told him that "I did it!" and of course he pointed out that I didn't because I crossed a line at the end.  He was nice about it though and I will just have to do it again! 

Well after my nice little walk, I felt better.  Sometimes, when you're stressed, you really have to stop and look at what's around you.  Focus on the present and what's positive.  Loving family, friends, and a lovely daughter on the way.  I got it good and I have nothing to worry about it.  

Now I will get ready for bed and if I wake up in the middle of the night to pee and if I can't go back to bed, I'll just think that I'm a mom in training.  

Nighty Night!

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