May 3, 2012

Making the move...

to a new blog service -

Visit and follow us from there.

Why did I move? Well apparently it's "much cooler" than blogspot according to some tumblr users I know ;)

May 2, 2012

Jocelyn's new toy

So it's very hard for me to NOT buy any toys, clothes, or anything baby related for our Jo.  BUT I have been good lately.  She is literally all set for her 6 months set of clothes.

I did buy her a new toy though, a very affordable one: 

The First Years Learning Curve Star Teething Blanket

only 6.99 from Amazon

She loves it! It crinkles to the touch so she loves making the noise and chewing on all the different corners.  It kept her entertained while I was getting ready for work this AM

Apr 30, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

We had a good weekend with our little girl. Daddy did chores around the house wearing the bjorn.  She loves exploring. 

Apr 26, 2012

Bring your child to work day!

Today was bring your child to work day.  Jo may be a little small to understand what I do, but she still enjoyed her day.  She was typing up a storm today! 

Apr 23, 2012

Stage Mom

Ok I'll admit it.  I feel like I could be a stage mom.  I'm sure you can tell with all the photos we take of our little girl and also how sometimes we treat them like photo shoots.

So the Gap had this Casting Call and I submitted JoJo in the competition.  The chances are so very slim, but hey you gotta be in it to win it!  Here are the photos and captions I submitted.  The limit was 5 photos so I took advantage of submitting all the photos I could!

I'm a cool drooly baby and I like to wear shades! Mama says there may be a tooth coming soon, so watch out ice rings, I'm gonna eat you!
I was christened just last Sunday and I did a great job! About 20 people must have held me, but I went along for the ride. Hey, wouldn't you want to be held?
Yawns are contagious! But it seems that whenever I yawn, people just smile and giggle. Could it be that I'm just that cute? My parents tell me that all the time. I'm kinda getting tired of it, but I'll deal with it since they change and feed me.
JoJo is such a fun little gal. She loves being entertained. Her new favorite game is flying baby, the pillow version. Daddy places her on a pillow in the mornings and raises her up and down. Giggles all around!
Our little girl, aka JoJo, is just the happiest baby! She laughs and her girlish screams are just so much fun. She's been rolling over since 3 months and everyday she just amazes us with her tricks. We love her!

2 year anniversary!

Tomorrow will be Nelson and I's 2 year wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that we have an anniversary to celebrate (which we already did) just because we have so many things going on in our lives.  New Baby, New job, Christening, and now our anniversary.  Well we made it a point to go out and celebrate.  We went to dinner at One if By Land, Two if By Sea and it's the same restaurant that we went to on the night we got engaged.  It was very romantic and I think we will try to make it an annual tradition.

This was our table.  A beautiful rose and candle.  I pretty much saved the restaurant from burning to a crisp!  One of the petals of the rose was right on the candle flame.  Nelson "reenacted" what he would do to stop the fire.  He said that he would throw the water at it, towards my direction to get me soaked. Funny!

After dinner we went to a goodbye party to a fellow NBC pal.  We will miss Ryan and Mandy.  They are heading to LALA land!  Good luck Noggles!!!

Of course we were missing our little girl, but it was nice to go home and get a good nights sleep.  Of course I woke up the normal times she would wake up, but I was able to "put myself down" easily. :o)

Update on Jo - She's teething! Well at least we think she is.  She bites down on everything, including me during feedings, OUCH!  She's ALWAYS drooling and her jaw clicks here and there.  She's a little more irritable than normal and she's not sleeping as peacefully as she did.  I guess we're never in the clear of getting full nights of sleep?  She wakes up between 3 - 5 times during the night.  I do the same thing - get up, give her the pacifier, and she goes down again.  An hour later, the paci will fall out and back to square one.  And at least one of the times that she's up, I feed her. I keep on checking her bottom gums and put some pressure to help relieve some discomfort.  We are looking forward to this new milestone but it just seems that she's growing up so fast already!

And to conclude this post, I'll just give you some photos, bc that's more interesting anyways!
Me and Jo in the Bjorn.  We went to the supermarket the other day with Grandma.  I like that she's holding onto her milk supply.  If she could talk, she would say "I own these"

Every evening from 515-6pm, I feed Jo before she goes down.  We listen to New Age, spa like music.  This was a look I got when she was not so pleased with the song that came on.  She pulled off of feeding and just had this face for a good 30 seconds or so. I don't think she liked the drums.

Law & Order Bib!  My old boss/friend was so sweet and sent me the Law and Order baby bib + the beach hat.  I remember when I used to work there, we would always wrap up these cute little girl/boy bibs for gifts and in the back of my mind I always wanted one :) Thanks Bridget, Moe, and Benjamin!

Well that's it for today's blog! Enjoy your week!