May 3, 2012

Making the move...

to a new blog service -

Visit and follow us from there.

Why did I move? Well apparently it's "much cooler" than blogspot according to some tumblr users I know ;)

May 2, 2012

Jocelyn's new toy

So it's very hard for me to NOT buy any toys, clothes, or anything baby related for our Jo.  BUT I have been good lately.  She is literally all set for her 6 months set of clothes.

I did buy her a new toy though, a very affordable one: 

The First Years Learning Curve Star Teething Blanket

only 6.99 from Amazon

She loves it! It crinkles to the touch so she loves making the noise and chewing on all the different corners.  It kept her entertained while I was getting ready for work this AM