Aug 24, 2011

My new investment...

I will have to buy one of these today after work.  There hasn't been a day where I don't spill something on myself.  Water, salad dressing on pants, spinach from this morning's omelette... I had a stain on my pants this morning and had NO IDEA where it came from.  Of course a lot of my stains or spillages happen on the Bosom buddies since they pretty much block the rest of the area.  And forget about crumbs! They are always just hanging out up there! 

Are pregnant ladies more susceptible to stains and clumsiness? Just before as I was walking down the hall with my salad, woops, it flew right out of my hand onto the floor :( The majority was still in tact, but seriously I've been  a clumsy mess with food!


  1. Oh Kat, This is a perfect post! I thought it was just me, but I can't keep a shirt or pants clean. I keep dropping food all over myself :-)

  2. haha, i just had my laughing cow cheese go onto my jeans.
