Aug 5, 2011

Pregnant Ladies vs. The Elderly

I've always had respect for my elders, whether it be holding a door, helping an elderly lady with her shopping cart, etc.  But today I found a new appreciation for the elderly.  Today I came to the realization that pregnant women are very similar to elderly women.  I'm talking the way up there numbers: late 70's early 80's.  You may think I'm nuts, but just hear me out. 

I had off today and after dropping off Nelson at the train, I decided to go for a jog/walk at Cunningham park in Queens.  I made sure I had my water, ipod, and heart rate monitor.  A couple of things I thought about during my jog/walk:

- On a weekday, those who are in the park are either the retired, stay at home moms, and teens who are off from school.
- When I jog, I must jog at a slow pace and I keep my strides very short, very similar to an elderly woman that I saw at the park today.
- When my heart rate reaches 140, I must SLOW down.  I'm sure elderly women need to slow down their heart rates as well so they don't go overboard. BTW, my heart rate reaches 140 very easily, especially if there's a fun song to jog to or if there's a hill.  Sometimes, it gets annoying because it never seems to flow well: go faster, slow down, go faster, slow, etc.
- Pregnant women are not advised to work out in any extreme heat, same for the elderly so that's why we were all together at the park this AM!
- Pregnant women also need to get in as much calcium as possible so that the baby doesn't steal any from her mommy's bones.  I'm sure elderly women need to take in much calcium to protect their bones as well.
- We pregnant and elderly folk need to TAKE IT EASY.  We have to listen to our bodies and chill out when we need too. 

The list can go on and on and I know it might sound extreme that I'm having a taste of what it's like for the older ladies out there, but I just thought it was funny to compare some of the similarities.  

Happy Weekend!!!! 

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