Oct 18, 2011

Spinning Buddies!

So every Tuesday after work, I've been trying to go to Spinning class.  Last month I had a few Tuesday night commitments so I didn't have much of an opportunity to spin it up.  So now since my schedule has freed up a bit, Tuesdays are spinning nights.  And I have a buddy!

Joe, on the right, works with me at The Career Center.  He's been my photographer at work for the majority of photos and if it's not him, it's Deanna.  :)  I have to say that he took a somewhat flattering photo of me here.  I don't look pregnant.  When you take it from up above, you always look better! :) 

He's also my office neighbor and we started work on the same day together, so needless to say we get along well! He's very sweet during spinning class, because if I slow down or just sit instead of stand during a "climb," he looks over and asks me if I'm ok. His mama raised him well.

I noticed that tonight's class my HR went up a lot easier than previous classes, so I had to adjust my resistance and slow it down.  During our "climbs," I envisioned me going through labor, especially since I was huffing and puffing.  I can even see myself in the actual hospital gown.  And what really clicked for me was when the spin instructor said these words:

"Push through it."
"You came this far, dont give up."
"You need to earn your recovery."

No matter how tired I am during spinning, those encouraging words help me get through it.  And when she was motivating us, I pictured myself getting through labor/delivery the same way.  Encouraging words are absolutely necessary during the "marathon." I know that I have the best partner for that (speaking to you, Nelson).  So in the end, I'm actually looking forward to labor.  I'm excited because I have to "earn my recovery." And you know what my recovery is, looking at BGC's beautiful eyes.  Night Night!  We get to see our Baby Girl tomorrow! Will update you then! 

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