Oct 7, 2011

Our First Read...

Got home today and got this book in the mail from our friends Bridget, Moe, and Baby Benjamin.
Thank you Bardach family! 
It's such an awesome book! It combines all of the Dr. Seuss books in a mini book.  I immediately had to read it to BGC.  I will do this as much as I can.  I actually almost started to cry at the end, but I pulled myself together.  Speaking of crying...I broke down at work the other day when my coworker Jayne was saying something nice about her niece that's pregnant.  Oh hormones, you made me such a sap! 

This was written on the first couple of pages of the book:
Dr Seuss, whose real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel, was fascinated by research into the development of babies while they're in their mothers' wombs.
Ted (as he was known) was particularly interested in the idea that babies could hear sounds and might actually respond to their parents' voices.
Ted's interest increased when he and his wife, Audrey, came across an article about researchers who had asked prospective mothers and fathers to read aloud to their babies during their pregnancies.
They were delighted to learn that the book they'd been asked to read wasThe Cat in the Hat!
The researchers found that the baby was more active than usual during the reading and gradually settled down afterwards.
The really cool thing about this was that this response to the reading aloud session continued after birth! Researchers concluded from this that the babies recalled having heard the story before in utero!

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