to Snow... and it's not because we're hippies :)
You see, the past couple of big celebrations that we've had this year have all ended up being a little comical. Apparently snowstorms have been the main theme. First it was my 30th birthday on Dec 26th. Nelson had planned an elaborate surprise bday party at Foxwoods, Highrollers bowling Alley.
Seeing that it was going to be a major snowstorm in all of the Northeast, Nelson changed the plans last minute and we ended up having a bowling party in a nearby town, which was still a lot of fun. We ended up driving home from CT that night and it took about 5 1/2 hours. Very memorable 30th bday and something that I would never want to change.
Then this weekend, we ended up going to CT for our baby shower. We would have never have guessed that there would be ANOTHER Northeast snowstorm in OCTOBER. Saturday, we met up with some friends for a late lunch, and the entire restaurant was empty. Looking out the window, we saw a winter wonderland. It was extremely surreal and I couldn't believe that it was October. After lunch, we ended up going to Nelson's brother's house and when we arrived, he and Nicole hopped in our car with her homemade chili to head to Nelson's sister's house because Nate and Nicole lost power.
Got to Sabrina's house and hung out with the family and their new baby puppy Mojo. He is so cute! Then maybe an hour later, the lights went out. Lost power. Wow! I've never experienced something like this. So we hung out and had some chili in the dark. It was fun none the less and we ended up getting a good night's sleep back at Nate and Nicole's.
In the AM, Nelson and I decided to head to his mom's house to take a shower and get ready. They have a generator. Their house was up and running like nothing happened! It was sad though, because their beautiful umbrella tree died from the storm. :(
We then headed to the shower in Newington, CT at the Portuguese Club. On our way there, we saw many trees down and lots of towns without electricity. It was nuts. When we got to the Club, we were welcomed with a round of applause and we were happy to see familiar faces and happy to hear that everyone was ok. What was great was that everyone got a chance to get out of their homes to have some warm food and drinks since the majority didn't have electricity. About an hour later, lights flickered, and power went out. But that didn't matter! The food was cooked and the company was having a good time. Again it was something that we will never forget. A great story that we can tell our little one when she gets out. She was really spoiled yesterday with lots of love and generous gifts from everyone. We are blessed to have such a wonderful family and group of friends. Here are some photos of the shower. My mother in law, Elaine, did so much planning before and keep in mind that she did this while she was home from work because she had to have BACK surgery! Super Ava indeed! Thank you Ava Elaine!

New Parents to Be!
New Parents with the Grandma's
Nate and Nicole are giving us a trial run with this baby. They strapped her into the car seat. She's still in the car seat, hope she's ok :)
Name that baby! Boy, did this game get the competitors out!
What a beautiful cupcake shower cake! Thank you Sweeney's! We have the baby somewhere and won't eat it!
The Sweeney's got us the Turtle hamper and in the hamper was literally a TON of clothes hanging on a laundry line. It was such a cool idea.
They got us Portuguese outfits, a shamrock outfit, and even an Argentinean onesie!
This baby will definitely eat well! Thank you Skylar and Brenna for being my helpers!
Are you really my RELATIVES!
My Avo and Ava Spoil Me!
Hawaiian homemade quilt!
Homemade quilt and bear (not shown) by Linda!
THREE homemade blankets by Athena (1 for each grandparent and 1 for us)
Everything was so lovely and we can't wait to try on all of her little cute outfits! Thank you so much who came yesterday and thank you to the Castro's and family for putting together a great shower! We feel truly blessed and loved!!!