Sep 1, 2011


I've been avoiding writing this blog entry like it's the plague!

Yesterday after work I went to my monthly visit to the Dr.  I felt like I was getting ready for a Weight Watcher's meeting. I made sure I wore the lightest clothing possible, because you know what? I gained weight.
So I arrived at the doc's and everyone in that office is oh so nice.  The nurse called me in and asked me to step on the DUM DUM DUMMMMMM, the scale. 

Let's just say that there was a "growth spurt" since my last appointment and the nurse let me have it.  She pretty much said that the doctor was going to be mad at me.  Honestly I felt like Kirstie Alley in "Look Who's Talking."  Remember the music montage of her going on the scale?  In the beginning, it wasn't so bad and it was easy to accept for her and then when the scale went up and up, she looked like she was going to burst out crying.  Yep, that was me, especially when the nurse was letting me have it.  OK OK I know, I will stop it with the cookies that I made last weekend during Irene and I will make sure I will monitor the intake of what's coming in, but honestly I don't think I've been THAT bad! I even said to her that I believe a lot of my weight went into my chest and those who have seen me, can attest to it. 

She also said that there is a month that pregnant women do put on a lot of weight at one time so maybe/hopefully this was the month.  I did just pop out the past few weeks, so let's just hope.  My legs and bum look the same as before and thank goodness that I have been working out. If not, that number would be MUCH higher. 

Deanna made me feel better today when she sent me this picture of a mean nurse.

The doctor wasn't so bad with me.  He pretty much said "Now you know, take that information, and just watch yourself."  I like his attitude. He did tell me to watch my carbs and sweets to avoid gestational diabetes.  Also since my father is diabetic, I may be more prone to that.  So I will watch it all like a hawk!  SUZANNE AND DEANNA, if you are reading this (they are blog supporters), please make sure you knock that bagel out of my hands!  What's funny is that I brought in the cookies I made last weekend into work today, so that they wouldn't haunt me at home. They are now gone! THANK GOD!

He then proceeded to put the Doppler on my belly to hear BGC's heartbeat and as soon as he put it on my tummy, you heard her heartbeat right away.  He said "Well that was easy!"  She's in there, growing away and healthy as ever.  That was the only best part of my appointment yesterday.

In 3 weeks I have to take my glucose test! I have to drink some orange stuff...
My appointment is at 10am and I can't eat anything before hand.  I have to make sure I finish this drink by 9:15 and hopefully I can digest sugar the right way.  If I fail, then I will have to go through a more agonizing sugar test that takes about 3-5 hours?  Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to smack that bagel right out of your hands and when you say "WHY?" I'm going to say "You Know Why!" hehehe
    You look beautiful! Keep up the good work!
