Sep 27, 2011

It's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

I had back surgery a few years ago (back in 2004) and ever since then I've always had minor issues with my back.  So even before we got pregnant, our concern was that throughout the entire pregnancy, I would have back pain.  We were in the clear until yesterday - It was my very first day that I felt back pain/pressure.  It wasn't excruciating but it was uncomfortable.  So before bed, I made sure to stretch:

I did the bird dog...

Pelvic tilts...

Child's Pose...

and the Cat Stretch...

I love the photos, sorry but just had to include them. I know there's no consistency but you get the idea. Nelson was also kind enough to do a mini massage.  It's very difficult to find the right position for getting a massage.  You can't lie on your belly, so we just used a chair and I leaned forward.  In addition to the massage, Nelson suggested that I ice my back and since he's been doing that for a few months now, I agreed to do it.  Thinking that it would be easy, I touched the ice pack with my back ever so slightly and I chickened out.  Nelson then said, "If you can't do this, how are you gonna go through labor?"  Then it clicked and I sucked it up and went in for the ice dive.  Mind over matter. Within minutes, the discomfort went away.  Loved it!

I soon then fell asleep, woke up at 2am and could not go back to bed.  And you know why I didn't go back to bed? Because I wanted to feel BGC kick me.  Before going to sleep, I was so focused on my back that I didn't notice if she kicked me and of course I wanted the reassurance.  I poked and prodded, laid on my back, moved side to side and didn't feel anything.  I did feel a little thump, but that wasn't enough for me.  So then I was up, and then about a half hour later, baby girl woke up and was moving around A LOT, which was relieving.  So I pretty much said - I felt her moving, it's ok now to go back to bed.  But then, she just kept on moving and punching and kicking that it was too much for me to fall back to sleep.  Don't get me wrong I enjoyed every second of it, but I guess she was telling me "Ma, you woke me up and now I can't fall asleep, so now it's my turn to poke and prod you, so you can't go to sleep!"  Guess I got a taste of my own medicine.

Eventually I fell asleep, hours later and caught an hour or two of zzzz's (with hitting the alarm clock).  I'm feeling good, have a long night ahead of me because of an event here at work, but I'll be AOK.  Here's my outfit for today.  Only 14.99 at Destination Maternity - I'll be wearing this a lot this fall since it's comfy and good for work!

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