Sep 17, 2011

And the countdown begins!

GULP! 100 days left! WHATTTTTT? 
Wow I can't believe it, this clock seemed to say about 168 days left just 2 days ago, but nope, time flew and it's now 100 days.  My sister in law Sabrina got us this clock which goes with a countdown book. Thank you! We have it in our living room, reminding us when the big day is! Nelson said the other day that this countdown reminded him of when we were planning our wedding, with all the running around and getting stuff done.  I agree, but it's a little more pressure since we're not exactly sure when she'll make her debut.  Just stay in there for some more time, little girl. You still need to cook and we need to get your under the sea room ready!

Today was a fun pregnant day for me, which means that the baby (ah hem, I) got to eat a lot of yummy foods.

First, I had to "work" an alumni event in the city.  What that consisted of was showing up for a cruise around the city and chat with some great Alumni, so pretty much hanging out and connecting with those who I haven't seen in a while and meeting new friends.  That was fun!  Highlights = Free food and fun windy photos with DD!

crazy hair! 

Sorry Danielle for posting, but your face and hair is priceless in this. :) 

Danielle took this one on her phone.  I grabbed my fall/spring coat when I was leaving the house without trying it on. Forgot that my pregnant belly would not allow it to button all the way.  I should have just left it open, but it was chilly!

So after chatting with some alumni, one alumna asked if I was preggers (she can probably tell bc I couldn't button my jacket) and I told her yes.  She had a baby last may and recommended her lactation consultant to me.  She whipped out her phone and gave me her lactation lady's number and I was thrilled.  We probably talked about breastfeeding for a good 20 minutes, so I'm sorry to anyone who was around during that conversation.  Anyone walking by would probably think we were a little crazy, milk pumping here, nipple cream there....

After the fun cruise, Danielle and I met up with our friend Elena (also a Hofstra Alumna who currently lives in LA).  We decided to head down to Little Italy and enjoy the San Gennaro festival.  Usually I'm not a huge fan of crowded places, but since it was the day time Danielle said that it wouldn't be so crowded and yes she was right. 

We ate at a lovely Italian restaurant, then had free Gelato at Frank Ferrara's bakery (Danielle knows everyone so the owner treated us), and then we even went all out and ate zeppolis!

I would never try the Oreo's or Twinkies, kinda makes me sick thinking of it, but the Zeppoli's were so good!
The powdered sugar! It was yummy going down, but the heartburn kicked in right after! Oh darn you, fried food!

Poor baby girl was filled with lots of carbs and sweets today.  I'm sure she didn't mind but I will definitely have to lay off that stuff for a while, ESPECIALLY since my glucose screening is this Friday. I walked a lot today so hopefully that helps!

Had a great time with some great friends! Thanks Danielle and Elena for making me laugh pretty much all day long! 


  1. Awesome pics!!! You look so pretty!

  2. Aw, fun times with great people! Love Hofstra Alums :)

  3. Oh boy breastfeeding! Talk to Shirlene, she was a champ. I couldn't do it very long and Nico was not cooperating ,so i pumped all day everyday for a while. It was funny, I would take breaks at VZW and sit in the bathroom and pump for 10-15min a day. People would hear a weird machine and sounds coming from the bathroom and would look at me funny until i explained.
