Sep 22, 2011

Blogger Block

So I haven't posted in a couple of days, and it's because I feel like I don't have much to write about.  Sometimes I remember that I should write about something, but then I obviously forget about it later.  So I guess here are a few things that ran in my mind the past couple of days:

Cord Blood Banking... Should we do it? It's insurance for our family pretty much, but should we? It's kind of expensive and then yearly we would have to pay to keep in banked.  The jury is still out on this but we have to make a decision soon about this.  Also, Viacord literally calls me every week! It's getting to be a little too much, but I understand, it's a business. 

Glucose Screening Test...  I have it tomorrow AM.  I have to drink some orange stuff and hope to goodness that I pass it the first time. If I fail, then I will have to do it for 3 hours at another appointment.  Of course it sounds like I'm more worried about the time of it but I just want to make sure BGC can handle my intake of food. 

Prenatal Yoga... I'm taking a weekly prenatal yoga class (got a discount on Groupon) and I love it! I didn't go last week bc I was sick, so I'm going tonight.  My back needs a good stretch!

Work Pants... I have a pair of black and gray.  So far I wore my black pants twice this week, so what did I do? I bought another pair from Old Navy yesterday. :)

Flu Shot... Hofstra was giving out flu shots today and since I didn't want to schedule an appointment with my primary physician, I just strolled on over to get the shot.  I did my duty as a good mother. 
They gave out Fiber One cereals! They must have known that I was coming!
Can you believe that there's 10 grams of Fiber in this little box! AMAZING! General Mills should give me a year supply of Fiber One cereal.

Hofstra Pride...After the flu shot, I stopped by the bookstore to see what type of baby stuff they have:

Cute right? but pricey! 19.99 for a onesie! Sorry Charlie, not gonna do it, especially since she will really grow out of it fast. 

That's it for now! Keep your fingers crossed that I pass the Glucose test tomorrow!

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