Nov 7, 2011

Need YOUR Opinion!To Decorate or Not To Decorate?

So as most of you know, our baby girl is due right around Christmas.  So not only are we planning to get our house in gear for a baby (nursery and other renovations) but do we suck it up AND decorate for the holidays as well?  I may just be in the spirit to decorate as soon as Thanksgiving rolls around, but are we crazy to do so when we will have a newborn in our arms around that time? How will we break it all down, etc?  Ideas, thoughts?
Saw this baby tree at Target and was thinking maybe we should do a small tree this year, maybe something that's real though so we don't have to store another thing!


  1. Hey a small tree never hurt anyone. Love, your Jewish friend

  2. Definitely decorate - but yes, on a very small scale. It will be worth it in many ways, but not be too much to take down later. :-)
