Jul 24, 2011

Productive Pregnant Sunday

While Nelson was sanding and spackling our small bathroom (we both can't wait til it's done), I took care of a few things that were on my to do list.
Nelson spackling away.

I did the typical sunday stuff from laundry, minor cleaning, cooking, and prepared lunches for tomorrow. 

Before I got to my tasks I wanted to order a spinning bike seat cover because the spinning seats can be very uncomfortable and if any of you read my previous post about my behind after spinning, you would know why I decided to invest in one.  They have spinning classes at the gym at Hofstra twice a week and I intend to stick with it for as long as I can.  Our friend Eleni is pretty much my inspiration for that idea.  She's a spin instructor in LA and she spinned up til her 9th month!  I remember seeing a brief Iphone video of her spinning on facebook during that time, and it really stuck with me, so thanks Eleni! :)

On Amazon, if you spend over $25 dollars, you are eligible for free shipping.  Since the bike seat was only 12 bucks, Nelson suggested we get taco holders for when we eat tacos.  We'll see how that goes. You can say that we like tacos.
Before I placed the order I tried to see if there was anything maternity wise I should get.  I came across this and got so excited!

They sell designer maternity gowns for the hospital! I didn't get one because I would like to talk to my Dr first to see if they would allow me to wear it.  There are also so many different patterns and designs to chose from that I don't know which one I would get.  I think I would make my decision based on the sex of the baby (which will be determined soon!) and the mood that I'm in.

So I placed our bike seat and taco holder order and I was one my way to other things.  I decided to open up my Baby Bargains book to check some stuff out.   The authors of the book also wrote Bridal Bargains and I used that religiously when we were planning our wedding.  What's great about the book is that they compare all of the top products out there, give the pros/cons, and provide detailed information about the prices.  The only thing I looked at today was Diaper Pails.  You would think you would just go for the famous Diaper Genie that everyone raves about, but because the refill bags are pricey, the book gave the Diaper Genie a B+.  The other 2 they talked about were the Diaper Champ by Baby Trend (you can use regular trash bags, but can be smellier) and Diaper Dekor which also needs refill bags, but are a better value than the Genie.  

Genie = B+

Diaper Dekor = A- 

Diaper Champ = A

Still gotta look up these on Consumer Reports as well.  Didn't think that I would put so much thought into Diaper pails!

Then I decided to try out my new Prenatal DVD that I got yesterday:

I loved it! She breaks down the DVD into sections according to what month you are in your pregnancy. Since I just started my 5th month (week 18), I decided to stick with Month 4.  She was there along with a personal trainer so I really felt like he was there helping me through the workout.  Only thing that might be a down fall is that you need a lot of different type of workout equipment: weights, ab ball, yoga mat, resistance bands)  We luckily have all of these, but I didn't realize ahead of time so I had to pause a few times (could have read the box, but I didn't)
She was 5 1/2 months pregnant in the video and she looked amazing.  Just picture her athlete body with a small tummy and her tummy even looked muscular!  She was great!

After working out, I decided to make dinner.  I used the same Kale butter that I made yesterday and added some shrimp and spinach pasta.  Here's the outcome:

 Looks kind of green and gross but it was delicious!

And now to end our pregnancy productive day, we are watching the documentary Babies.  They are so adorable and it's amazing to see how mothers and fathers from all over the world take care of their babies.

That was my sunday! Now off to work tomorrow!

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