Jul 21, 2011

1 Complaint and 1 Praise

I'm sure I've been sounding like I complain a bit about the symptoms I have during this pregnancy journey, so I apologize for not sounding grateful.  I'm lucky to be pregnant and to have this experience! 
But of course I need to add to my list of complaints.  Just one little one that I've been having this past week.  

Oh she looks so peaceful sleeping there.  She has a beautiful complexion, lovely pajamas, and her hair is so perfect.  This picture is a lie! 

1 - she will probably eventually pull off her pants in the middle of the night because she is HOT.  Even with the AC on 66 degrees, I get hot during the night, sometimes I get cold, but I do get hot hot hot!
2 - she looks like she LOVES sleeping on her left side.  Maybe she does, but I'm getting a little annoyed.

Pregnant ladies are urged to sleep on the left side because it increases the blood and oxygen flow to the baby.  It also helps the kidney eliminate toxins and fluids, which then reduces swelling throughout the body.  Ok I'll take that.  I've been sleeping on my left side, but in the middle of the night my shoulder gets numb and uncomfortable, so I eventually switch over to my right to give the left side a break (this is fine).  

Heaven forbid I sleep on my back!  Here's why (according to BabyCenter.com):

When you're sleeping on your back, the weight of your uterus lies on the spine, back muscles, intestines, and major blood vessels. This can lead to muscle aches and pains, hemorrhoids, and impaired circulation, which is uncomfortable for you and can reduce circulation to your baby.
Back sleeping can make blood pressure drop, causing some expectant moms to experience dizziness. On the other hand, in some moms-to-be it can make blood pressure go up.
Finally, back sleeping can cause snoring and, with increased weight, could lead to sleep apnea.

Luckily I've been good and I don't find myself laying on my back.  I've created some sort of barrier that prohibits me to lie on my back, which also becomes a barrier from Nelson too.  bwahaha my evil pillow plan worked. Just kidding. We both like our sleeping space, thank God for a King bed!  You should see the amount of pillows we have in our bed.  You would think that we have dogs sleeping under our blankets from the amount of lumps you see.

Ok now for the POSITIVE!!!!

My nails are AWESOME.  They are the STRONGEST they have ever been! It's because of the prenatal vitamins.  I think I may have to just go ahead and take prenatal vitamins for the rest of my life because it's just amazing how long my nails can get! I actually had to cut them this weekend because they were a too out of control for me! 

I'm also enjoying painting my nails more often.  Thanks to Mercedes (Hi Mech!) I'm loving crackle nail polish! I have to get some more!!!

  These nails aren't mine, but I like them!

That's all for now! Thanks for hearing me out!

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