Dec 2, 2011

I feel like I'm preparing for a black out

So this upcoming weekend, I'm going to BJ's to stock up on food.  I haven't gone grocery shopping in a week, just picked up the necessary things here and there but not a full blown shopping spree.

You should see my list for BJ's.  It seems as though that I'm preparing for the end of the world or something.  I don't feel like I'm in nesting mode but certainly  I would like to be somewhat prepared with food in our freezer when BGC arrives.  We literally have a supermarket from our house that is 3 blocks away and I'm sure I can send Nelson over there when we need something, but still it makes me feel at ease knowing that we have a full stocked fridge/freezer and pantry.

I avoided packing my bag for the hospital for quite some time, until the other day when I went to the docs.  Before the doctor, I just had this weird feeling that he was gonna tell me that she will be here any day now.  It must have been the crampings I've been feeling.  So in order to avoid going to the hospital, I figured if I packed a bag, then according to Murphy's law, I wouldn't really need it right away.  Cha Ching! I was right, well for now.

I can't believe it's December 2nd today.  Where did 2011 go? Soon Barbara Walters will have her special on the 10 most fascinating people of 2011.  I can't understand how time flew so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a waiver to use these photos? I am going to report you!
