Dec 20, 2011

Jocelyn's Birthday Party (aka Labor!)

its been a while but im sure you understand why i havent posted. the majority of my time is spent in a rocking chair feeding our little cutie.  when im feeding her the most access i have to the outside is through my phone so it keeps me occupied.

I started writing this blog at some point during an AM feeding, but then stopped probably because I needed to shift her or something.  Can't write much now because I need to shower, feed her, then head out with Nelson.  Oh and maybe eat something for myself.  I wanted to share a few photos prior to heading to the hospital during a walk through contractions while at Hofstra.  Walking helped, but it was tough and you can tell that I was just focusing on the breath.  That was absolutely key during every contraction.  Breathing deeply and slowly.  I kept on saying in my head "relax, natural anastesia flowing throughout the body."  That I actually picked up from listening to a Hypnobabies playlist.  It was like guided meditation for pregnancy and birthing.  It helped a lot as well.  So here are some photos.

Trying to relax on the couch in my office. I will never look at that couch the same
Taking a walk on the meditation labyrinth.  I did this during the summer while listening to soothing music and guided meditation.  It helped during contractions.  
Breathing Breathing Breathing

This stance helped a lot, and moving my hips.  I didn't care if anyone saw me.
There's a slight smile there :)
In the hospital delivery room.  We brought flamess candles, dimmed the lights and posted some photos from our honeymoon and Turks and Caicos trip for focusing.  It was difficult for me to focus on the photos for some reason.  I closed my eyes a lot.
This was me waiting for the epidural.  I threw in the towel, sucked it up and got the meds.  
After the epidural - can you tell the difference?
ok definitely not the most flattering shot and I wasn't sure if I should even put this pic in because its a little bloody, BUT it is really the very first photo of JoJo outside of the womb.  I don't remember this photo AT ALL.  I was truly relieved from her coming out.  There was A LOT of pressure.  I told the Doctor I loved him when she came out.  He said "Kathleen, your husband and my wife are both in the room."  I didn't care! I loved him!!! lol
Daddy chatting with JoJo.  Check out her conehead!!!!!

Our 2nd family portrait

Grandma and Grandpa Tula visiting at 2am!!!

JoJo getting her first sponge bath! Wahoo!
Ok off to a feeding! then heading out with Nelson for a bit! Grandma is babysitting, which I'm sure she doesn't mind!!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful....just perfect. I am so proud of you.
