Jun 29, 2011

NYC Marathon

 No I'm not running in the NYC marathon and I never will, but I will be treating this labor/birthing process as a marathon.  Last night, Nelson and I were talking about possibly doing this birth naturally.  Many of you reading this may be saying, "she has no idea what she's in for," "she'll probably change her mind." Well yes, I do not know what I'm in for and hey I may decide to go naturally for part of the birthing process and then get the drugs after dilation.  We will never know until the day of, but there will be some sort of birth plan. 

Also sometimes I get ahead of myself and somewhat obsess about things way far in advance, however, this labor/birth, I feel like I need to prepare for in advance, just like one would do for a marathon.  Also, just yesterday the Birthing Class at the Hospital called me to start scheduling the classes.  GULP GULP GULP! Really?? Guess I have to get it on our calendars.  They are 4 - two hour classes.  Looks like our weekends will be booked in the fall with birthing classes, baby showers, and renovations.  Busy busy busy time! can you hear me getting anxious already? I can start with the Lamaze breathing now! But for all good and great reasons :)

Any mothers reading this, can you please share with me your birth plan? Drugs vs. nondrugs.  I know everyone and every labor is different but it is good to hear other's experiences.  Appreciate the input!

What I am excited about is the hospital.  A coworker at my job has given birth to all of her kids at Winthrop hospital and she said it is a great place.  They have GOURMET MEALS to choose from! hahaha I'm sure I'll want to eat while going through tons of pain.  Of course I clicked on the Gourmet meals section first when I was looking at their website.  Hmm yum yum yum. Already thinking about my first meal after pregnancy! 

a few things on my list to have in my fridge after the baby arrives:
feta cheese
fresh mozzarella cheese
turkey for turkey sandwiches

So this blog entry went from Marathon birthing plan, hospital gourmet meals, to food in my fridge post preggers.  hmmmm so a lot on my mind: FOOD AND LABOR, great combo!

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