It wasn't that bad, but I cheated! Jo came to visit me at work. Teehee. She won't do that often because I will be busy at work, but since it was my first day back I figured why not? Everyone loves seeing a baby!
On that same couch, I was in labor with her! :) Who would know that a few months later JoJo would come and visit me during lunch.
So tomorrow is Monday and I go back to work and I actually feel good about it! I'm able to get home, feed her, give her a bath, and put her down for her night time sleep. I'm happy that I do get to spend some time with her. I also feed her at 9 and then when she wakes up in the AM. This morning she woke up at 5am again and we just hung out in the guest bedroom. We both laid there and we both fell asleep. It was pretty sweet.
She has this new thing that she does with her bottom lip.
Not a great picture, but if you can see, she tucks in her bottom lip. I feel like that's her thinking face.
So every night, she goes down at 6pm and eventually we drop her 9pm feeding and she sleeps 12 hours straight. It's crazy that kids can sleep that long. My nephew Jack goes to sleep around the same time and wakes up at 6 too. I wish I can get 12 hours for 1 night!
Any who, I feed her around 515/530 and every night, there is no doubt, that she falls asleep in my arms. I love it. and I just sit there for a few minutes just holding her and keeping quiet. Here's a picture from tonight.
When I get up to tuck her in her swaddle she ends up waking up, but it's fine. I like that she can fall asleep in her crib on her own. Here are pics of her in the crib and the contraption I have for her.
Oh you can see that she's doing that thing with her bottom lip in this picture. So let's talk about my wonderful contraption! Well we have these pillow things on the sides so she feels cozy. Then I have a towel hugging the bottom and another heavier pillow pushing up against the towel. I did this so she doesn't slide down. The mattress is elevated a bit because of her acid reflux and she's used to sleeping at an angle from when she was in her Rock and Play Sleeper.

We read Good Night Moon to her every night and at some nap times when she's a bit fussy. She smiles when you read it to her.
I have my nursing pillow under there "My Breast Friend" holding up the mattress. She eats more at an incline seated position so it's now being used to elevate the mattress. Before we tried pillows but it was always uneven. With this pillow, it's perfect and I don't need to use more than 1 pillow.
Oh and lastly, we love her swaddle. We bought this thing after seeing this video:
She's been sleeping through the night ever since we got this. Her arms can never escape but they are also not uncomfortable. After Nelson and I saw that video, we were blown away by the "escape free" arm pockets. Definitely a great purchase!
Have a great work week everybody! I know I will, especially when I know Jo is in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa :)
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