Jun 21, 2011

I'm not fat, I'm just pregnant! 13 weeks

I never had to say those words above to anyone, but I have to repeat them to myself sometimes.  As the first trimester comes to an end (my doctor said that after 12 weeks, you're in the 2nd), I've come to realize that my body is making a whole lot of changes (and not the most appealing). I won't go into gross details, but those who have experienced pregnancy or will experience it, will know what I mean.  And a big Sorry to Nelson who has to witness it all :)

This past weekend we went up to CT to visit family and this was the first time we were able to spill the beans.  THANK GOODNESS.  We were dying for such a long time to tell everyone.  When I went up there, everyone pretty much said that I didn't look preggers yet, which I appreciated, BUT I feel fat! It was common to hear "your waist is the first to go."  Honestly I thought I would be fine with it at first since there's a reason why your waist is growing daily.  However, when I log on to Babycenter.com or TheBump.com and see that some ladies LOSE weight during their first trimester, it makes me feel like I'm a fat cat or something. I've gained about 5-6 pounds and you know that's not just the baby.  This is normal weight gain during the first trimester, I know but it's still JUST the first trimester!

I'm noticing an increase in appetite which I know that should only be expected but for lunch today I had a bowl of lentils with veggies and even brown rice.  That should fill you up for hours right?  2 hours later, I felt my stomach grumbling.  And water just doesn't do the trick.  I've already had 96 ounces of water today so I know it's not dehydration.  This baby wants food!

We don't have cookies in our house, Thank God!

Well all i can do is try to eat healthy as possible and get in the exercise I need, both which I've been doing.  But hey, if I want a burger or a slice of pizza, I'm going for it, well the baby is going for it! Stat!

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