Jun 30, 2011

Ding a ling ling!

Do you hear what I hear in the far distance??? Wedding Bells! A year from today our Brother (my bro-in-law) Nate and his lovely fiance Nicole, will be tying the knot.  Thank you to them for allowing me to dream of the following:

- Eating any type of cheese or cold meats available (not sure what the menu is but hey if there's antipasta, I'm on it) 
- Eating any type of fish that's on the menu (I've stayed away from fish bc of mercury and I know I can have the smaller sized fish, but since I'm not a fishmonger, I don't know which fish are small or large or swim in fresh water or salt water) Luckily the last wedding we were at, our Chef friend Judy was at our table and let me know what type of fish they were serving. 
- Drink caffeinated drinks AND have chocolate all at the same time! wowee

El Vino Tinto!!!! I will drink wine, wine, wine and feel fine, fine, fine.  I can't go crazy though because seeing that I will be trying to nurse, I still won't be drinking so I'm sure a couple of drinks will be fine for me.  However I am FINE with that :) Or even an ice cold Corona! hmmm.  Don't worry, I'll pump and dump the milk (what a waste).

We are looking forward to Nate and Nicole's wedding and to be quite honest, I'm happy to have motivation for me to lose the baby weight as soon as possible.  This girl gotta fit in a dress.  My only concern is that I hope my boobies can fit in the dress.  I hear that after birth the mother's boobs fill up with milk so they are actually BIGGER than while your preggers.  Um well my ladies are actually quite big right now.  Very big that I can not fit in certain sun dresses bc of them and this was even WEEKS AGO.  I'm sure it will all work out and seamstresses can work wonders.

Something crossed my mind today and I would like to let you into my thoughts for just a second and then you must get out of them bc then you'll think I'm nuts and in turn you may start to think like me:

So let's just say that the bridesmaids (I'm one of them) are all up at the alter standing next to the bride, in front of everyone and what if all of a sudden, one of my boobs decide to leak? What would one do in that situation? Hold up the flowers to cover the spill? Luckily the dress is black so maybe it won't show.  Well knowing this possible scenario, there are:


Ok now you may leave my crazy thought of the day.  Hey I'm just thinking ahead and putting out possible fires ahead of time.

Also I learned today from my dear friend and colleague Susan that the baby will decide when they are done breastfeeding, so who knows if Baby Castro will even be up for it in June.   I'm just gonna milk it for as long as I can.... tehehe milk it!

Yay to weddings and love! 

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