Ok I'll admit it. I feel like I could be a stage mom. I'm sure you can tell with all the photos we take of our little girl and also how sometimes we treat them like photo shoots.
So the Gap had this Casting Call and I submitted JoJo in the competition. The chances are so very slim, but hey you gotta be in it to win it! Here are the photos and captions I submitted. The limit was 5 photos so I took advantage of submitting all the photos I could!
I'm a cool drooly baby and I like to wear shades! Mama says there may be a tooth coming soon, so watch out ice rings, I'm gonna eat you! |
I was christened just last Sunday and I did a great job! About 20 people must have held me, but I went along for the ride. Hey, wouldn't you want to be held? |
Yawns are contagious! But it seems that whenever I yawn, people just smile and giggle. Could it be that I'm just that cute? My parents tell me that all the time. I'm kinda getting tired of it, but I'll deal with it since they change and feed me. |
JoJo is such a fun little gal. She loves being entertained. Her new favorite game is flying baby, the pillow version. Daddy places her on a pillow in the mornings and raises her up and down. Giggles all around! |
Our little girl, aka JoJo, is just the happiest baby! She laughs and her girlish screams are just so much fun. She's been rolling over since 3 months and everyday she just amazes us with her tricks. We love her!
These pictures are too cute!! :)