Feb 7, 2012

Baby Zantac and Sleeping for Survival

Our Jo has acid reflux.  Poor baby.  about a month ago I noticed that she spit up a lot and there were a few times that she threw up.  One day we noticed that she had a really scratchy voice, as if she had a sore throat.  I, of course being a new mother and always a worry wort, took her to the pediatrician first thing in the AM and he said that it could be that the acid was hurting her voice box.  It was sad to see her cry because it just pained her and it pained her to the point where she just couldn't cry her fullest.  Yes it was nice not get really loud yells from her but it was more sad to see the pain in her face!

A few days later passed and her throat got better, from the recommendations from the doc - keep her elevated after eating for 45 minutes, give her saline drops through her nose, etc.

The next dr visit was a few days later and she still had those colicky like symptoms just without the fussiness for hours on end.  The doc gave us some baby zantac.  poor little one is on meds already!  its a very low dose and we think it's helping a little. there's still some spit up, but not the amount that was before and we think she's in less pain.

This is not Jo but that's how I administer her Zantac every morning and night.  She gives the same face!

We also noticed that she doesn't sleep peacefully in her crib (even with it being elevated).  She can fall asleep but then wakes up about 20 minutes into her nap/sleep.  What has been a huge lifesaver is our Rock and Play Sleeper.  She can sleep in that for hours! so for us now its about survival and we will deal  with the repercussions later.

Who would think that this baby equipment would be our saving grace?

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that you are going through this...
