Jan 30, 2012

definitely a future dancer and soccer player!

Daddy took this video a couple of weeks ago after her morning feeding.  I realized that bc of her spit up at the end :)

Grandpa testing out the jogging stroller on a sunny day.

And now she's tired of walking and most likely hungry

Jan 26, 2012

Someone's a US citizen!!!

And i got a mani pedi today :)

Pee poopie spit up and huggies

During our last feeding....i was spit up, peed on and also poopied on.  and she had a diaper on!! huggies are not good diapers.  she leaked right through them while i was burping her.  i am a pampers snob all the way but i just want to get through the pack of huggies without wasting them.  i needed to change my shirt bc of through Pee Pee. Oh the joys :)

Jan 22, 2012

Will never be the same...

Last night as we were going to bed (or shall I say nap since we would be up in a couple hours), I said to Nelson, "Our Saturday nights will never be the same as before."  He then said, "Yea and neither our Fridays, Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays." Can you tell we are new parents?

When you think you are going to sit down and watch a movie and eat take out (our attempt last night), there is no doubt that the plan will change.  Prior to baby, our weekends were our "stay at home and watch movie nights."  Now we still can watch movies, but it's definitely a challenge to watch the entire movie.  And each time we sit down for a meal, one of us has to go up to attend to baby.  May sound more like I'm complaining, but I see it as trying to accept our new lives.

and forget about having "lazy sundays."  Right now baby is sleeping, so we have 20 minutes left in our "lazy sunday."  Will feed her in a little bit!

Oh and I'm now on a new book - called Baby Wise.  Goes over some of the same principles of the other book I was reading.  Only problem I'm having is actually having the time to thoroughly read it. It's hard to read when your breastfeeding, pumping, and burping.  And when the baby naps, I can read but I'm too sleepy to read so I TRY to nap.  BUT this morning I figured something out... When Jo was on her play mat and in a good mood, I decided to read to her.  She didn't mind it.  I think she liked seeing my lips move and I'm sure she doesn't mind the subject.  She obviously wants the "gift of nighttime sleep" as the book says so why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone, give her some activity, and read the book that benefits both of us.  BTW, the reason I'm reading this book is because another new mom recommended it.  Her son Brady (just 2 weeks) older than Jo is now sleeping through the night.  What a dream!!!

This was Jo yesterday - she was ready to hit the snow.  I love her Ralph Lauren Thermals, a very nice gift from Maria Helena - close family friend of the Castros.  Her cat hat is from Mercedes, which I love.  Jo on the other hand doesn't particularly like hats, especially when the hat falls over her eyes.  I'm sure she'll grow to love them.

Ok off to wake up the Sleeping Beauty  Happy Sunday!

Jan 20, 2012

Our favorite part of the day :)


This morning while I was up with Jo, I thought about Beyonce and wondered if she was breastfeeding and if so, was she up like me?? For some reason, I think she's not breastfeeding and she has help, lots of help in the middle of the night.  She probably hasn't even lost an ounce of sleep.  Must be nice :)

She has the same look I have in the wee hours of the morning.

Jan 19, 2012


Every night we give Jo a baby massage after her bath.  Shes starting to really like it more and more.  Tomorrow at noon, Mommy will be getting her own massage at Massage Envy while Grandma and Grandpa watch her.

I am escaping! Woohoo! I hope I don't fall asleep on the table and most importantly I hope I don't leak out milk.  Now that would be embarrassing!

Jan 18, 2012

Growing out of newborn clothes!

Well it's about time :)  I noticed her newborn onesies are getting shorter on her. Nelson measured her the other day and she is now 23 inches!!!  So I'm sad to say goodbye to the newborn clothes.  The 3 month clothes are still a little big.  Here are a couple of pics from this morning's onesies.


Chubby Wubby face.  poor onesie is tiny


Ok shes napping now! i go shut my eyes too!

Jan 10, 2012

Good Days and Bad Days...

We all have some good days and bad days.... well today ehh, not such a great day.  I'm TIRED, and i know that's what to be expected with a newborn and all, but this is the toughest job I've ever had.  However I wouldn't want to go back to scouting in the 100 degree heat again.

I guess it's just a little frustrating when you have a great night - when she only wakes up once and goes back to bed easily.  The past few nights she wakes up at around 2/3 am (last night she woke up a few times) and then she's wide awake and can't go back to sleep.  Not sure what to do when that happens still.  We have a white noise app on our Ipod touch and that works, but when she's wide awake, nope nothing really works.  I guess I just have to be really patient.   But after you feed her for a good hour, burp, and change...you kinda just want her to go back to bed :)

i know, enough complaining, but it's true what "they" say.... you don't know how hard it is, until you are in the midst of it all.

Oh by the way, we have her on a tight schedule, which means that I'm on the tight schedule too.  Recommended by a friend of mine - The Contented Little Baby Book.
The schedule is as follows:
no matter what - Always have the baby up at 7am and feeding...
Nap at 9-10am.
Feed at 10am.
Keep her up until 11:45/12, then nap from 12-2pm
Feed at 2pm
Keep her up til 4pm
Nap at 4pm
Feed at 5pm (one side)
Bath at 5:45-6:15
Feed at 6:15 (other side)
Bed at 7-10pm
Feed at 10-11pm.

and then repeat the next day!  Yesterday she did a great job in her naps, but like I said her night time sleep hasn't been the best.  She fidgets and flairs her arms a lot.  We try to swaddle, and she finds a way out.

The toughest part is keeping her up between feedings and naps because all she wants to do is sleep.  So when we keep her up, she cries.  and cries and cries... so it can be exhausting.

this is her sleeping now for her 7pm nighttime sleep:
she looks peaceful.  hopefully she won't start flailing her arms around and wake herself up.  Ok time for me to try to shut my eyes until Nelson comes home. 

Night night!

Jan 9, 2012

Im scared of this sometimes

When i wake up in the early AM hours and see this on the video monitor i have to admit that i get a little scared. Its not only bc she's up but the night vision eyes freak me out.  and yea its mostly bc i know she's up :)

Now this is what Im talking about

Love seeing this!!

Jan 6, 2012

Thumbs Up!!

as i was changing Jocelyn's diaper, I noticed that she started to suck her thumb! I automatically became proud and teared up.  Wow, so for her whole life of accomplishments, I will be a complete mess :)